Miltongreen 2011 Event Series:
A. mark-your-calendars
Your Celebrations - October
Guest speaker Rod Muir was noted as, “delivering urgently
important information about genuine sustainability with a skill for
communication, humour, and personal connection with the audience. He can inform
and inspire a crowd”. (Rex Weyler, Co-Founder
Greenpeace International)
Followed by a forum on ideas of waste
reduction/diversion at holiday events.
Miltongreen Fundraiser - Movie Screening – The Lamp Details soon at
miltongreen events news: The All Candidates Meeting on Sept. 14, 2011
sponsored by Halton Region “green”
organizations raised key environmental questions. This summary of our notes of
the meeting is meant to advise our readers of priorities and responses of the Halton Riding MPP Electoral
· Family Coalition Party (FCP) Tony Rodrigues’s wants to
re-establish the importance of the family unit.
· Green Party (GP) Karen Fraser’s wants change in politics, with informed and
active people making leaders accountable.
· Liberal Party (LP) Indira Naidoo-Harris wants
balance in growth, economy and environment, and for Milton to be a good place
for families (incl. hers) to live.
· New Democrat Party (NDP) Nik Spohr wants to overcome
insecurity in the populous, empower people to make ends meet otherwise hard to
be green.
· Progressive Conservative (PC) Ted
Chudleigh wants to increase private business jobs since a strong economy
can allow an environmental focus.
(PC) said green energy has a place but it is not economical yet. Nik
(NDP) said he wants to see ‘tweaking’ of the Green Energy Act so that communities can own green energy. Indira (LP) said, it can add diversity to the economy
while Karen (GP) spoke of solar energy options. Tony (FCP) said we need new
coal technologies.
3. miltongreen update
A) Transportation News: Halton All
Candidates Meeting Transportation questions -
Candidates agreed in principle that
the Midway-Peninsula
Hwy through Burlington’s greenspace is not an option. Ted (PC) suggests
a route from the Hamilton Airport to Hwy 401, while Indira (LP) proposes a Hwy
403 to North Burlington solution. Tony (FCP) noted that the relatively new Hwy
407 is underutilized. Nik (NDP) stated that more roads just increase use of the
combustible engine. He thinks transit is the key to ‘grid lock’. Karen (GP)
wants alternatives explored.
Transit is controversial because of the
ownership of rail-lines (Ted-PC) and our non user friendly funding model
(Nik-NDP). Indira (LP) said the government invested in infrastructure and mass
transit since 2004, targeting all corridors to remove millions of cars from
roads. Tony (FCP), a first generation immigrant, pointed out that the car
represents ‘freedom’ and that rail across such a large country is not
B) Water News: Halton Region reviewing
Fluoride in drinking water
is data showing that topical application of sodium fluoride is
useful to protect teeth. However, there appears to be considerable information
indicating that ingesting hydrofluorosilicic acid (which we believe is
added to Halton's lake-origin drinking water) may not be beneficial and, in
fact, maybe be hazardous.
Miltongreen will be
attending a Halton Region standing committee meeting for Health and Social
services. There will be a few delegates there supported by Miltongreen who wish
to have it removed from Lake-based drinking water. For more information see the
links within our blog:
Waste News: All
Candidates Meeting - What
will they do to improve the Waste Diversion Act – Indira (LP)
argued that the benefits are not understood. Nik (NDP) wants “cradle-to-grave”
waste management, and Federal and Provincial legislation. Ted (PC) will create
a new program. Karen (GP) thinks education and follow through is needed. Tony
(FCP) doesn’t think families should pay for waste disposal.
waste diversion - Miltongreen volunteers physically
supported Ribfest 2011Event organizers in their efforts to divert waste from
landfill to recycling and composting through optimized bin usage. Milton
Ribfest diverted materials (recycling, organics) at a total weight of 4 metric tonnes.
The percentage of diversion is not known at this time.
4. volunteering
5. Announcements
monthly A meet-and-greet to discuss Events & Projects – Oct.
3rd, 6:30 – 8:00 pm. Email or call 905-878-0995
for directions.
the rare
bobolink bird spotted in south Halton
of us haven't even heard of the Endangered Ontario Bobolink Birds but they have
been sighted along a stretch of Britannia Rd from Regional Road 25 to Fourth
Line, and 4th Line to the end of Lower Baseline and back up 5h Line.
require tall grasses which are found in the large farmlands in the area. Their
habitat is threatened by road and urban expansion. For more Google: Bobolink, Milton
or see:
Submit Events and News items to the Miltongreen
Newsletter to:
We will circulate as appropriate.
halton region
art contest for the Cover of the 2012 Waste Management Guide and
Collection Calendar. Halton students Gr. K-8 submit at
Deadline Oct. 14, 2011.
scholarship for youth
pursue Post Secondary studies in fields related to
yahoo group launched - join us!
"Environment issues top green debate"
The environment and how it can be made better were the main
The environment and how it can be made better were the main
topics discussed, Wednesday night, during the Halton
meeting held at the St. Volodymyr Cultural Centre.
2. Miltongreen Event news: All Candidates Meeting
continued more questions:
(NDP) wants all levels of government to improve the aggregate industry’s approach to environmental concerns. Ted
(LP) noted we each use 7 tonnes per year of gravel equivalent, expansion
approvals are exhaustive and working. Karen (GP) encourages us to know the
extent of the problem. Indira (LP) wants citizens to raise issues, she knows
the process is challenging. Tony (FCP) wants policies to reduce demand for the
construction industry’s gold (i.e., limestone).
NDP and PC agreed that eco-fees are not improving the
environment. Nik will work to improve the “mismanaged incentive program” to
help people live ‘greener’, while Ted will cancel it. Indira spoke of a legacy
for her children, and Liberals are actively protecting the environment (e.g. 5
coal plants close by 2040). Karen (GP) said need more awareness, while Tony
(FCP) said families shouldn’t have to pay.
Indira noted that energy rates are reducing usage and helping conscientious
Ontarians pay less. PC, Ted noted that high daytime rates hurt business, he’ll
give options. While NDP, Nik noted that all sectors of society share the burden
of a shift to a ‘green economy’, he’ll work to make it easier to be ‘green’.
Waste diversion can be FUN!!! Miltongreen
Members July 1st Canada Day Event
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